Kill time
What is more important when marrying or dating a girl, her body or her face? Different people have different opinions. But it is my belief that even with a so so face, a chick with an awesome body is considered hot(sexy clothing is needed of course). A girl with a awesome face but so so body is just cute. I think if you asked guys, about 75% would say that body is more important. I do not have alot of imperical data to back any of this up so y'know.
It's too bad Mitch Hedberg died. He made crappy jokes funny again.
How to kill time at work:
Toronto Star online crossword - A semi-difficult crossword puzzle can kill an hour or so. If it's too difficult it'll hurt your brain and therefore you may not want to do it. If you're not in the mood to think(this happens often), then this may not be an option on that particular day. - Jason Whitlock and Bill Simmons are funny. Many of the articles are informative and entertaining(ie you'll find out before it comes out in the tomorrow's paper). Doesn't work if you're not really a sports fan though. Can kill up to 1 hour depending on the number of new articles.
Emulators - Ever since the dawn of the computer, man has tried to solve the mystery of playing console games on the PC. Well now it's finally possible(actually the emulators have been available for years). Even if you're not a big gamer, there are lots of fun, simple games out there(ie., Dr. Mario, Tetris, Bust-A-Move, etc etc.....just watch out for your boss.....remember get ready to press ctrl tab). Although, it was yet to be proven, it can kill up to 3 hours at work if you have the right games.Blogging - I rarely update my blog but this one alone wasted about 1 hour. It's absolutely pointless piece of claptrap but you're reading it aren't you?
Masturbating at work - Please redirect any inquiries to I have heard this can kill up to 20 minutes for a regular person but I'm told Shaun can only kill 1 minute using this method.
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